Experience...the edge of elegance
Experience 1050 K Street
An island of efficiency
At 1050 K, our green roof garden absorbs the rays of the sun preventing the "heat island effect." The efficiency goes a step further as condensation from the air conditioning, as well as rainwater from the roof and sidewalks are used to water the planters and green roof gardens, reducing the building's water usage. Energy and water consumption drop along with our carbon footprint.
Air conditioning comes full circle.
Our building uses an energy recovery wheel designed to save 70 tons of air conditioning capacity. Outside air is precondi-tioned with freely recovered energy as it passes through the wheel, bringing it closer to the desired room temperature. This reduces heat and cooling costs, making summers cool and winters cozy.
A breath of fresh air.
You don’t have to step outside 1050 K to breathe clean air. The air inside the building is completely replaced every 55 minutes. And the fresh incoming air is “triple scrubbed” to remove 85% of airborne toxins, which means that the air in here is cleaner than the air out there.
Rising to the occasion.
1050 K’s Kone EcoDisk elevator system uses a 2:1 roping system with cabling under the cab for smoother, quieter rides, using only half the energy of a typical elevator.
Chilling out.
Our chiller system is the most efficient in the market, using magnetic bearings without friction to reduce vibrations and increase efficiency 15% over the norm. The result: less electricity needed, more energy saved.
Hard working water.
Waterless urinals, dual flush high efficiency toilets, shower and faucet aerators increase the water and sewer efficiency in this building by nearly 52% saving two million gallons every year.
Minding the meter.
We designed 1050 K to save over 550,000 kilowatts per year in energy consumption. That’s a savings of nearly $60,000 per year. In effect, 1050 K removes the equivalent of 65 cars from the road per year. And since 100% of the electricity used to power 1050 K will come from renewable resources...we’re saving a lot more than energy.
The long haul.
At a time when real estate properties change hands almost daily, you can rest assured that the developers of 1050 K have an infinite ownership horizon. We have a long tradition of spon-soring properties in the local Washington area. We’ll be here, accountable to you, fastidiously maintaining our property to the highest standards of our most discerning tenants.
Return on rent.
When the multiple elements of green building design are com-bined and totaled rent expense can actually transition from an obligation of your company to an investment in your business that generates quantifiable returns in real dollars and human capital.
Daylight dividends.
Full-length 10’3” floor-to-floor windows bring natural daylight and expansive views to your employees. This can increase productivity by up to 16%. The windows also employ frit to maximize inside-out visibility while maintaining outside-in privacy, and reflecting the sun load for energy efficiency.
The (LEED™-certified) gold standard.
1050 K has registered for the prestigious U. S. Green Building LEED™ Gold Certification, verifying that the building is an envi-ronmentally responsible and healthy workplace. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.